Total Conquest v2.1.0e APK

Total Conquest v2.1.0e APK
Total Conquest v2.1.0e APK

Total Conquest APK (
Sound the call to battle and join legions of players online in a battle to control the Roman Empire! Total Conquest is an exciting and strategic social game where you are a Roman governor developing your own city-state and army. But with Caesar dead, there’s no more playing games: You’ll need to join a powerful Legion -- or forge your own -- to defeat your enemies, protect your lands, and reign supreme. Vae victis!
Finally, a real war strategy game comes to Android!

- Build and manage your own unique city-state
- Defend your city with Towers, Traps, Walls, Gates and garrisoned units

- Hire, train and upgrade 10 different unit types, each with a specific role
- Take on a challenging solo campaign to master the art of war games
- Battle players from around the world and lead your army to victory

- Invite friends from Facebook and Google+
- Create or join a Legion of powerful players and get reinforcements from the other members
- Coordinate with your allies to win Legion Wars 
- Fight to increase your Legion ranking and earn great rewards
- Compare your scores on Google+ or the in-game leaderboard

For fans of free strategy social games, army/war games, or anyone who enjoys a good online fight.
Enter the battle, get ready for the war, and enjoy hours of fun!

* All this available on smartphones and tablets!

Required Android OS : 2.3+

Download : 31.2 Mb APK

Total Conquest v2.1.0e APK Total Conquest v2.1.0e APK Reviewed by Unknown on 9:58 AM Rating: 5

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