My Singing Monsters v2.0.3 APK

My Singing Monsters v2.0.3 APK
My Singing Monsters v2.0.3 APK

My Singing Monsters APK (com.bigbluebubble.singingmonsters.full)
You start with an empty island… it’s all quiet… when suddenly - BAM, Singing Monsters. These bizarre critters do exactly as advertised – they sing! But here’s the cool part – as you breed more and more, the music grows and grows until you have a song! Collect one of each to experience the whole tune, and unlock different songs as you move from island to island. Customize the monster world with structures and decorations however you like – after all, they’re YOUR Singing Monsters.
Also - sorry in advance for the songs getting stuck in your head. It can’t be helped – you’re going to love this game. Download My Singing Monsters today - Happy Monstering!

- Over 100 unique monsters to collect, nurture, and love
- Amazing art, animation, and audio effects
- Lush islands, each with its own musical theme
- Dozens of wacky decorations and structures
- Built-in social features and activities
- New and exciting content is always in the works!

Required Android OS : 2.3.3+

Download : 67.2 Mb APK

My Singing Monsters v2.0.3 APK My Singing Monsters v2.0.3 APK Reviewed by Unknown on 9:28 PM Rating: 5

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