EvolveSMS v4.7.2 APK

EvolveSMS v4.7.2 APK
EvolveSMS v4.7.2 APK

EvolveSMS APK (com.klinker.android.evolve_sms)
EvolveSMS is a powerful texting replacement app that makes talking to your friends quick, fun and easy! It’s been designed from the bottom up with the newest Android design guidelines in mind to look beautiful and function just as well.

A few features:
- A beautiful and smooth interface for sliding between conversations so everything is just a swipe away
- Full multimedia support including sending pictures, videos, audio, contacts, and GIFs
- A popup that allows you full access to anything in the app and looks great
- Batch deleting messages
- Archiving messages
- Fully customizable notifications
- Password protection
- Android Wear support
- And much, much more :)

Required Android OS : 4.0+

Download : 9.2 Mb APK

EvolveSMS v4.7.2 APK EvolveSMS v4.7.2 APK Reviewed by Unknown on 10:24 PM Rating: 5

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