CM Locker v1.7.4 Beta APK

CM Locker v1.7.4 Beta APK
CM Locker v1.7.4 Beta APK

CM Locker APK (
CM Locker is a smart lock screen application designed by Clean Master team which allows you to start your favorite apps directly from the lock screen. Just swipe and go to use your apps with no hassle.

Main features: 
1. Smart List: CM Locker learns your most commonly used apps smartly and gives you quick access to opening them directly. You can also easily take pictures, handle missed calls or read messages from the lock screen.
2. Notification Preview: Quick preview messages sent by friends on lock screen (available in Android 4.3 and above).
3. Real-time Weather: Displays the current weather information and forecast at the first time.(And we support an on-screen World Cup schedule and news during the World Cup.)

1. It’s best to disable password locks or other lock screen applications to avoid having to unlock multiple times.
2. To use the weather feature, GPS services must be enabled.
3. If several locker apps are enabled, such as Go Locker, Locker Master and Cover Lock Screen, they will all be used at the same time. This may cause problems, so please only keep CM Locker active.

Required Android OS : 4.0 +

Download : 3.83 Mb APK

CM Locker v1.7.4 Beta APK CM Locker v1.7.4 Beta APK Reviewed by Unknown on 9:57 AM Rating: 5

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